Monday, 15 September 2008

My Kampong Part 2.Different perspective.

My project today is to make a good photo after Converting Raw File to High Dynamic Range (HDR) to Mono.I dont just stop here and trying to give impact on the photo so that it gives different mood.
Change my photo to The Black White (mono) landscape.Playing around with Channel Mixer and selective colour. I dont simply convert it to Black and White.I use the Channel Mixer and click the monochrome icon.From there I alter the RGB colour channel and the constant Slider.I always maintained the RGB percentage add up to 100%.(you may give it try)
At the final touch you may play around with Layers from different photo and your will get this. walla- lol*thanx for your :)
Note:Different Individual(photo editor) myte using different way converting Mono (b/w)photo. Photo taken my Enigmatic-Dreamer....

Keadaan yg sunyi dan angin bertiup sepoi sepoi bahasa membuat kan aku lapar menunggu waktu beduk.arghh .. ohh lapai nyee!! lol.. -Enigmatic Dreamer :)

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